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Monday, 30 May 2011

Available colours!

$0.50 Each!

 Names in order shown in the picture:
Sushi (red), Sushi (pink), Mini bubble with words(any words. Additional $0.20/per letter if more than 3 letters)
Ipod(other colours are available), Ice-cream, Piano
Peace, Turtle, Watermelon

$1 each!

Domo ( available in @ designs!)

<- Best Buy!
Donald And Daisy - $0.70 each, $1 for two(any)*(Great Deal!)*

$2 each

Names in order shown on the picture:
Facebook, Winnie The Pooh, Mickey Mouse
Floppy Disc, Keroppi, Tortise
Boy, Smiley, Girl
Giraffe - 1 for $1.50, 2 for $2

Bubble with words!

$0.50 per letter.

$3.50 Catorgary



Angry Birds

$3.50 each.

$3.50 each! 3 for $10

Cow. (Two Colours: White, BrownDomoDoraemon & DoraemiElmo & cookie Monster
 I Love TW ( Available in other letters!) B.Mushroom, G. Mushroom, R. Mushroom & Pig
BS. Smiley, Cheecky Smiley, Big Smiley
 Donut (Available in other colours!)